Monday, February 15, 2016

Handcrafted Treasures

One Christmas, my daughter handcrafted a set of coffee mugs for me. I was so touched by the gesture. The mugs have remained part of our family gatherings throughout the years. Today, Laura Shovan featured the following image as the Day 15 #foundobjectpoem prompt. While this is not my daughter's cup it brings back fond memories.  

Even though it is no longer Valentine's Day, love is still in my heart. I dedicate the following digital composition to my daughter and the legacy of creativity passed down from her great-grandmother whose loving hands brought joy to everything she created. 

Please visit my colleague Heidi Mordhurst's blog, my juicy little universe, to read the other interpretations of the Day 15 picture prompt for Laura Shovan's 2016 Found Object Poem Project. (Laura is busily preparing for the launch of her newest book in April.) 

Tomorrow's prompt is the photo I submitted so I am excited to hear what poems pop out from that image that will send you off into the galaxies. 

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