Today, March 21, 2015, marks the end of the winter season. Remember the statement, March comes in like a lion and walks out like a lamb? Well, March did come in roaring like a lion but is not ready to walk out gracefully. It still wants to roar.
This week, I traveled north to Albany, NYS' capitol to attend a curriculum conference. Although I saw green grass and only a little vestige of snow, I was greeted with whipping winds and dipping temperatures. On a humorous note, this morning the Albany weatherman apologized for his weather report. Tomorrow is the first day of spring but in reality it appears to be a throwback to winter. Snow is coming back to dust the earth. Winter seems to be quite the trickster this year, wouldn't you agree?
Now, as I prepare for one more smack of snow, I am hatching a plan to continue to remain positive about Mother Nature and Mr. Winter. I will give myself the gift of time to design the Gallery of Winter Whisperings since I am attending a conference and the artistic expressions are still coming in.
It's time to hatch a golden plan,
not with silly green eggs and ham.
Try poetry and photos - Shazam! -
an artistic venture of grand purport
to stretch imaginations and transport
minds to wander, recalling winter bliss
while not thinking of wind's bitter kiss.
Winter entered with quite a roar, held court,
and listened intently to many a loud retort.
Now, it transitions to yet another spring.
When will I hear the sweet robin sing?

Poetry Friday hosted by Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core.
This post is dedicated to three blogging sites that provide an avenue for me to be expressive. Please move over to the following sites to read a variety of perspectives as winter transitions to spring.

Poetry Friday hosted by Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core.

Day 20 of the March Slice of Life Story Challenge on Two Writing Teachers.
Heidi Mordhorst's Forward...March Challenge at my juicy little universe where the word of the day is hatch.
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